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LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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Plus sérieusement, voici quelques spyshots et photoshops de la future génération d'IS...
Automobile Magazine n°698
Source inconnue
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Source : BERN (Forum-auto.com)
LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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Pour ce qu'on en sait :
- abandon des moteurs essence 6 cylindres en ligne au profit de V6 (plus compacts)
- apparition d'une motorisation diesel (probablement le tout nouveau 2.2 180cv de l'Avensis)
- présentation rentrée 2005 et commercialisation début 2006.
- variante Sportcross (break) non reconduite
- conservation de le propulsion
- dimensions à la hausse (donc gain en habitabilité)
LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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Pour les moteurs essence :
- 2.5l : IS250 (il existe un nouveau moteur dans le Toyota Mark X, 2.5 de 215 CV à injection directe code 4GR-FSE ??)
- 3.5l : IS350
Lexus IS220d Sport 2007
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C'est pas forcement rassurant: dimensions en hausse => plus de poids et probablement moins d'agilité...Si c'est pour transformer l'IS en berline familiale pataude....
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LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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Voici ce que nos amis anglo-saxons savent de la future Altezza/IS
Some information is starting to trickle out on what we can expect regarding the 2nd-generation Lexus IS. Thus far, I see 3 areas of discussion that I'd like to post and, hopefully, get feedback and comments from my fellow Roundtable panelists. First, I'd like to discuss:
Starting from the widely-held premise that the Lexus LF-C concept is a preview of the next IS, here's how the exterior dimensions compare between the LF-C and the current IS:
Wheelbase: 110.0 in. (almost 5" longer than the IS)
Length: 178.7 in. (2.1" longer than the IS sedan / 1.7" longer than the SportCross)
Width: 73.0 in. (5.1" wider than the IS)
Height: 53.5 in. (2" lower than the IS sedan / 3.2" lower than the SportCross)Now, let's compare these numbers to the IS's two strongest rivals in North America, the upcoming 2006 BMW E90 3-Series and the Infiniti G35:
Wheelbase: 110 in. (Roughly midway between the BMW's 108.7" and Infiniti's 112.2")
Length: 178.7 in. (Barely longer than the BMW's 178" sedan, and still shorter than the G35's 182.2" coupe/186.5" sedan)
Width: 73.0 in. (Definitely the widest of the bunch. Both the Infiniti G35 coupe and the new BMW 3-Series are 71.5" wide)
Height: 53.5 in. (A tiny bit lower than the current BMW coupe, and 1.3" lower than the G35 coupe)My opinion: The wheelbase, length and height are reasonable. What bugs me a lot, though, is all that extra width (if it does indeed happen with the production new IS). As someone who enjoys AutoX and Mountain Driving immensely, I don't appreciate extra width on a car.
Our current, beloved IS was described by Road & Track as "(going) from a Thunderbolt to a Spitfire, or a Stearman to a Pitts, to put it in aviation context. The IS 300 is really the sports car of this group, and it feels small, taut, nimble and fun. As one driver noted, you 'wear' this car more than any of the others." I'd just hate to lose that on the next IS.
On the other hand, a comparison between the 2nd and 3rd-generation Lexus GS' dimensions is actually quite reassuring:
110.2 in. for 2nd-gen.
112.2 in. for 3rd-gen. (thus, + 2")
189.2 in. for 2nd-gen.
189.8 in. for 3rd-gen. (thus, + 0.6")
70.9 in. for 2nd-gen.
71.7 in. for 3rd-gen. (thus, + 0.8")
55.9 in. for 2nd-gen.
56.1 in. for 3rd-gen. (thus, + 0.2")These are negligible size increases, and there is NO way they're going to make the IS any wider than the GS.
A recent private message from .NET member Hkis contains the following information which, while not 100% guaranteed, certainly sounds plausible:
The next IS is codenamed 492F.
Its dimensions are 4545 x 1785 x 1410 mm.Here's how these dimensions translate into inches and compare with the current IS:
176.6 in. for 1st-gen.
178.9 in. for 2nd-gen. (thus, + 2.3")
67.9 in. for 1st-gen.
70.2 in. for 2nd-gen. (thus, + 2.3")
55.5 in. for 1st-gen.
55.5 in. for 2nd-gen. (no change)An even more recent private message from .NET member and good friend Jiggafett contains similar (though not identical) numbers, plus these additional numbers:
105.1 in. for 1st-gen.
107 in. for 2nd-gen. (thus, + 1.9")
Curb Weight:
110 lb. increase over current JDM-spec weight. This would likely apply to other markets as well. Thus:
3255 lbs. Manual / 3285 lbs. Automatic for 1st-gen.
3365 lbs. Manual / 3395 lbs. Automatic for 2nd-gen.
Bear in mind that the multiple engine and body style options for the next IS will all have different curb weights. Also, the upcoming E90 2006 BMW 3-Series only gained 44 lbs. compared to its predecessor.Fortunately, there's some evidence that this weight increase may NOT happen. Lexus has just released full specs for the 2006 Mk3 Lexus GS, and they paint a MUCH more favorable picture:
Curb Weight:
3649 lbs for 2nd-gen GS300
3536 lbs for 3rd-gen GS300 RWD (a decrease of 113 lbs., most likely due to the new all-aluminum V6 vs the old iron block inline 6.)
3715 lbs for 2nd-gen GS430
3745 lbs for 3rd-gen GS430 (+ 30 lbs.)In other dimensional news, the 3rd-gen Lexus GS rear track is 1" wider than its predecessor. A disturbing note, however, is that trunk capacity decreases from 14.8 cubic feet in the Mk2 to 12.7 cubic feet in the Mk3 (a loss of 2.1 cubic feet). That's NOT something the already small IS trunk can afford.
Donc, ce qu'on peut tirer de cet article :
1. La future IS porte le nom de code "492F".
2. Ses dimensions : 4545 x 1785 x 1410 mm.
3. Présentation officielle au Salon de Genève 2005.
LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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Encore de nouvelles photos de Autoexpress, la plus belle d'après moi
Lexus IS220d Sport 2007
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Un membre du LOC a vu les photos officielles aujourd'hui mais
ne peut évidemment pas les montrer
D'après lui, elle ressemble à la photo d'autoexpress que j'ai postée dernièrement mais c'est pas tout à fait ça quand même.
Plus que 10 jours
Lexus IS220d Sport 2007
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Les magazines disposent déjà des photos officielles... mais ne peuvent rien publier avant le 1er mars.
Grâce à une belle indiscrétion, voilà les premières photos officielles de la vraie nouvelle IS !!!
LEXUS IS¹ 200 Pack Luxe 12/1999
----- KIA Stinger 3.3T V6 GT 04/2018
---------- MERCEDES E280 V6 Elégance 06/1997
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bof! laissez nous l'ancienne!
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Ben meeeeeeeerde.Je commence à me demander si je vais acheter l'is actuelle ou bien si je vais attendre quite à casser ma tirelire.Honnetement je pensais que Lexus allait nous sortir une ligne fadasse style avensis raccourcie(toutes les photos jusque là ne me disaient rien ou trop Mazda)ben je me suis bien planté.Par contre l'intérieur perd son originalité et le diesel ca pue...(ca n'engage que moi).Je sais pas ce que vous en pensez mais l'arrière c'est carrément celui de la nouvelle série 5...
Je la trouve mieux que sur les photos vues jusque maintenant.
J'ai plus qu'a attendre quelques années pour en trouver plein sur le marché de l'occasion
Lexus IS220d Sport 2007
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Par contre,si je trouve la nouvelle reussie,elle est aussi plus torturée.Elle est plus "statutaire", plus lourde de ligne(dans une certaine mesure bien sur).Elle ressemble aussi plus à une GS en réduction alors que l'Is que nous connaissons tous était un vrai ovni dans la gamme Lexus.
L'intérieur me frustre un peu également.Il est mieux réalisé qu'avant,beaucoup plus technologique et possède apparemment de bien meilleurs matériaux mais exit l'originalité et la personnalité de l'ancienne.
Je suis quand meme impatient de voir des tests sur route...
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